Pre-release character introduction thread!

Hello all, this visual novel is releasing soon (!), so I'm going to talk about it.

Before I begin, I have a dedicated twitter account for this project: 

Nothing there yet, but if this ever takes off, there ya go!

What is it about?

Well, unfortunately, I can't give too much more away than what I gave in the synopsis without spoiling the story. (Though, you'll soon find that this visual novel doesn't drag it's feet much when it comes to revealing story/character details.)

The main theme of the vn is manipulation, (Not sexual, all romance in this vn is authentic! Sorry to those who like red flags.) though, fitting for a vn named 'pulled by strings' eh? 

I'll instead talk more about the characters and the romance, because the way I've set it up will be a little unconventional.

The main character: Eric

Eric, he is a Bisexual, 24 year old, chubby wolf who has awoken in an unfamiliar city with no memories of anyone or anything but his identity. His existence is in and of itself, a mystery.  And he will come to find that himself and the world itself go much, much deeper than simply being an amnesiac...

Now, let us talk about the 'routes.'

- Raphael

I'll start with the most explicit romance candidate in the game, Raphael!

He's charming, flirty and seems to already really like you, but he seems to holding some pretty deep grudges, and it would seem as though his connection with mc maybe goes a lot deeper than it seems...?

His route will be about about your relationship with him and as of me writing this, only him.

- Chase

The second most explicit romance candidate in the game!

A somewhat mysterious wolf who was the first person you met and was the one who introduced you to your new life - He puts on a near constant stoic façade however, and you wonder what he's hiding under it all...?

His route will primarily focus on your relationship with him, though you'll also get to know a few others quite well later on~, I won't be saying much of who they are for now, as they won't be introduced for a bit!

- Stephen

An extremely unusual man who is hiding some deep unchecked baggage, what is his deal? And how will handle what is to come? If at all...

Stephen's route will focus primarily on his relationship with someone else - but I won't be saying much else about that, (in fact, I've complete hidden who the love interest from the promo images, this was on purpose.)

Since I know being a romance vn and having the mc be a loner would not be ideal though, you'll be given the choice to soft romance two others during his route.

They will consist of one man and one woman at the moment, both chubby. (This may be a primary gay romance vn but the mc is bisexual, so I though I'd include one.), I won't be revealing who they are until ch2, however!

- ???

The last route, well let's just say I'll wait a bit before officially revealing what the 4th route is, it's a bit more unique compared to the others.

So that's that! There'll also be plenty of lovely side characters to meet during the story, but I'll save the introduction of them for later.

See you again soon for more!

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