Build 2 Preview: Updates, new characters and a redesign.

Hi all, it has been roughly 2 weeks since the release of build 1 of Pulled by Strings. I want to say a huge thanks for 100+ downloads, and an even bigger thanks to everyone who played this visual novel, every bit of support means a lot to me!

So, let's get into what will be in store for the upcoming build 2: because it is a bit of a doozy.

Starting off strong, the art:

I'll be introducing many characters to the world within the 4 routes, to hopefully breathe more life into the world and people. I believe he characters are the most part of a visual novel and you can see previews of 3 of them in the first attached image:

From left to right, meet: Lloyd, Archie, William.

Lloyd will appear in Raphael's route, while Archie and William will appear in Chase's,

Character design is harder than it looks so I hope people like do end up liking them.

Next up I'll talk about a pretty significant change to what is currently available in the game, and that would be that Theodore has gotten a complete redesign, as seen in the 2nd image.

Now, as for why? His art was old, lacked detail and I felt he had the worst design in the game by a mile, so hopefully his new design is a significant improvement.

Lastly, many characters will receive smaller touch ups to their art, mainly via improved line art or added details like adding Nipples or crease lines. In the 3rd image above I've attached a preview of Noland's updated artwork as well, who will be appearing much more during 'Vincent's' route.

That's it for art as to not reveal everything at once, story wise: right now the current plan is to go half way through chapter 2 for all routes and that hasn't changed, the primary focus of the next chapter is to focus on building the world and getting to know the characters after the relatively loaded chapter 1.

I'd say I'm about 50% done at the moment.

Alongside that, there'll be some small changes to chapter 1 for better flow/wording etc, for example Theodore and Eric will have a bit more to say to each other.

Lastly, and huge thanks to u/Elion33 for this, but hopefully every typo during the prologue and ch1 will be fixed in the next build.

As usual, if have any questions, find any typos or just want to chat: message me on discord @final_Bear.

That's all for now, farewell. 

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